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Top Level Consulting, LLC
Bringing Top Level Services - Leaving Top Level Satisfaction
TLC Services
Top Level Consulting offers many needed services for today's businesses and organizations:
Local Small Businesses - There are times when business owners find themselves wondering why they are not growing in their business. We have a team that will come into your entity and help you to discover the reasons. It could be a plethora of reasons, from your balance sheets to your employees.
Aquisition/Logistics support - Within State and Federal organizations, Top Level Consulting can place qualified personnel into your organization to support all of your Aquisition and Logistics needs.
Top Level Consulting also helps those who have their own desires to open a business but are not particularly sure how or where to start. We can assist in ensuring that you are properly registered in the State, assist you in creating your Business Plan, and ensuring that your new business is in compliance with city and state codes, laws, and policies.
For persons who are not looking to open their own business but would like to have the opportunity to get their 'dream job', we can help with that as well (i.e., correct attire, maintaining a can-do attitude, and even helping or developing a proper resume.
Management Skills training - There are various levels of management personnel in our businesses today. Unfortunately, some of them do not have what is needed to become an effective manager. Top Level Consulting has put together training classes for local small businesses who are in the need for proper management training. Our training will teach your managers how to become effective managers, without finding themselves lowering their own standards. We will give them a two-hour training class (at their location, or TLC's location) to show them how to become an effective manager, as well as the right steps to conflict resolution and team building.
Effective Leadership training - Major organizations (State and Federal) have an extensive number of leaders, to ensure their organizations are ran effectively and efficiently. Most leader's find themselves in unfamiliar situations, such as working for the Federal government, on a Military installation. Most of the civilian leaders are not familiar with military culture. Therefore, they do not always use the best style when collaborating with military subordinates. Other leaders (civilians) met the criteria to become a leader in a specific program, but they to, are not deploying the best leadership style. Top Level Consulting has developed a two-day Leadership training that will assist current leaders on the correct and proper use of their style. They will understand the concepts of what good leadership is. Some may feel that they possess one style of leadership, when they actually possess a different style. We will provide two, 6-hour training classes that will surely equip your organization with better leadership, which should also improve on your production output.
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